Celebrating six dynamic local women

Women with their hearts in the right place!

Dr Serena Roney-Dougal has a phd in parapsychology and has written several books. She is a town councillor for the greens.These days she cycles everywhere and spends her time growing all her own food. She is a living example of how to tread lightly on the planet. She also makes delicious wine! She didn’t really want her portrait painted but in the end she said yes as she wanted to be included as one of my friends in the exhibition.

I have know Michou Godfrey since the eighties but in recent years our paths have not coincided, so it was lovely to spend some time together. Michou started the Credit Union in Glastonbury. She works behind the scene for the welfare of our community.

Morgan Fox has been a friend for years.Her permaculture project in Compton Dundon has been going for decades.Morgan is committed to developing ways of building community.

Kathy Jones started the Goddess Conference in Glastonbury in the 1990’s and was the main organiser for 21 years. She opened the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury in 2002. Kathy runs training courses to become a Priestess of the Goddess and has written several books.

Katinka Soetens runs the Magdalene Mystery School following the teachings of the Goddess Rhiannnon in the path of love. She also is co-director of the annual Goddess Conference with Marion.

Marion Brigantia is a Priestess of the Goddess Brigade-Brigantia and she runs courses following the wheel of Brigid.She is also a co -director of the Goddess Conference with Katinka

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